Cosmetic Acupuncture Before and After Photos

I wanted to share some cosmetic acupuncture before & after photos from my practice! I am not a photographer, nor do I have fancy equipment, so I just did my best taking them at the same time in very natural light. These were taken with patient permission, of course! And thank you so much to my willing participants!

Cosmetic Acupuncture Before & After Picture

Cosmetic Acupuncture Before and After Photo

This first photo was just 6 sessions with a client - you should have seen her skin after 12!!!  It’s hard to capture some of the progress my patients have, but it’s pretty clear in just 6 visits with this one how much redness and inflammation had gone down.  By 12 visits, she was glowing, skin was tighter, lines had softened, no redness AT ALL, skin was dewy, and best part - she felt more uplifted!  It’s one of my favorite things about this work, acupuncture not only affects the physical body, but the emotional body as well.  You just FEEL better!!! 

Cosmetic Acupuncture Before & After Photo

Cosmetic Acupuncture Before and After Photo

This next photo is from a patient with hormonal acne and redness in the cheeks. Similar to the one above, we had more than 12 visits and her skin was looking pretty great by then! Sometimes the body, as we push it to make changes, will be stubborn and you will have a few visits where things won’t change and then there is suddenly a turning point where the skin gets happy. For this person, it was a little bit longer treatment plan, and then they also got helpful information from their Naturopathic Doctor, added some nourishing supplements and it got better even faster!

Last one! Showcasing some lovely softening of lines in the forehead after 6 visits!

Cosmetic Acupuncture Before & After Photo

Cosmetic Acupuncture Before and After Photo


How does it work?

Cosmetic Acupuncture (or Facial Rejuvenation) works on multiple layers of the skin, particularly the dermis but also does so much more as we look at the whole body and use Traditional Medicine diagnostics to determine the best course of treatment. It takes about 30 days for collagen to start building (longer as we get older), so you usually start to see results within 4-6 weeks. Skin becomes softer & more vibrant as blood & oxygen start to circulate better into the face, overall skin tone becomes more consistent, people will see improvement in acne & rosacea, lines will soften and look less harsh also!

I also incorporate body points into the treatment to support the face (like clearing heat, building up internal energy stores, etc) and people usually report other symptoms lessening (like better digestion, improved sleep and more!). If you have a lot of other underlying conditions, I may suggest that we work on those first and then try cosmetic acupuncture afterwards, just so that we use your time, money and body’s resources to their best!

Some other questions answered:

What is cosmetic acupuncture? Read more here

How many treatments do I need? Read more here

Have questions? Ready to try cosmetic acupuncture? Let’s have a phone consult Click Here or schedule your appointment today Schedule Now!

(Patient photos taken & posted with patient permission by Angela Renzetti)