Seasonal allergies are a complex topic, not just in the herbal world, but in general! Why are they worse some years more than others? Can herbs & supplements help? In this class, we will talk about some herbs (and supplements) that can be helpful for allergies. If you have tried herbs & supplements before and they have not worked, we will dive into diagnostic reasons from a Chinese medicine perspective of why your allergies may not be improving like with diet, environment and more! We will talk about herbs that can help calm the histamine response, move lymph and calm the nervous system plus some at-home remedies that you may try including facial massage, acupressure and more!
**This class will be held in WebEx (similar to Zoom). You will get a link to the class and notes through email and all you have to do is download on your laptop and join! It’s super easy, even for the less tech savvy folks
**There are no refunds, returns or exchanges for this class! If you are unable to make it, the class can be recorded and sent to you later!
Tickets are $20 and can be purchased here